Do you find yourself engaging with as many recruiting and staffing agencies as possible to help you with your vacancies? Only to get deluged with worthless and oftentimes the same resumes, but from different agencies? In essence you’re creating this quagmire, and may not realize it. You are forcing contingency recruiting agencies to race to find you the best candidate and oftentimes they’re throwing “stuff against the wall”. The benefits of retained dental staffing would provide a solution for you.
When in need of top talent, you have to be realistic in the time it will take to find that “shining star”. There are many benefits of using a retained dental staffing agency. The hire of your dreams [or purple squirrels as we call them] may be currently working for one of your competitors. It will take some time to get them an offer, accepted and onboarded. Or, would you like to see the resumes that have been on Indeed for 6 mos? I know…right?
OK….let’s talk about how Law Firms, Medical Practices, top Search Firms, Sports Agents utilize retained services to find the right people. You won’t find a top athlete going out to all other sports agents to find them the best contract? Believe it or not, it’s not anymore expensive to engage a retained search or staffing firm as it is a contingency agency, you’re just depending on a proven consultant to get the job done for you vs someone you don’t know anything about, that may get lucky and find someone that’s a fit. Let’s face it…luck counts if you can get the results, right?
At The AGA Group, the resumes we present are always for top candidates we have assessed to be the best fit for your open opportunity. They are both a behavioral and motivational fit for your open position and organization. Our in-house selection process removes unconscious bias and allows you to review candidate information, including relevant job experience and soft skills, quickly and easily.
We are a dental workforce solutions agency, so if you’re looking for a Full Stack Developer, please do not call us, because that is not what we are good at. The dental industry is what we do each and every day, and we’re darn good at it. The AGA Group delivers the benefits of retained dental staffing.
That means you can hire dental talent that is the right fit, the first time.